Please welcome the Cerebro Web version! – Cerebro
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Please welcome the Cerebro Web version!


The Cerebro web version has finally  been launched! You no longer need to install Cerebro locally. If you have Internet access, your login and password – welcome aboard! Access your Cerebro account from any computer.

We remind you that in the web version you will be able to:

  • view task tree;
  • view assigned and interest task lists;
  • view messages and comments;
  • create tasks and assign users for tasks;
  • download files;
  • create tasks, reports and comments to them;
  • view attached images.

The Web version interface is available in russian and in english (see screenshots)
To switch language please use the “Language” menu.

Now the most important part:

You can access the web version in the top right hand corner of our website by pressing “SIGN IN” and then “web client”. Or you can use the direct link –

To integrate the new web version with your file storage facilities clients of Studio / Installed rates need to:

  • upgrade your studio Cargador service  by downloading updated version of Standalone Cargador & Sirena.
  • the service works  on the 4080 TCP port  by default, you must configure the NAT to transfer it to an external address.

Cerebro Web version requirements:

  • Internet browsers:  Internet Explorer 8 and later versions, Mozilla Firefox 3 and later versions, Opera 10 and later versions, Safari 3 and later versions, Google Chrome 4 and later versions *
  • enabled Cookies и JavaScript
  • Internet access

(Web version limits– administrator panel inaccessible, not possible to create and view file comments, no audiovisual reviewing options)

*Proper work of the application in other browser versions and in other browsers can not be guaranteed.

We will be very glad to receive feedback from you on the new Web version!



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