Hello! We would like to share important news: we have released an update for the mobile version of Cerebro. It has a number of new features, and now the app has become even more user-friendly.
Hello! We would like to share important news: we have released an update for the mobile version of Cerebro. It has a number of new features, and now the app has become even more user-friendly.
— A light theme has been added
— All previously downloaded files are now saved in the download list (with the ability to switch to a task)
— Item menu indicators have been added
— A floating action button to quickly create a task has been added to the task list
— A floating action button to add messages, reports, and files has become available in task messages
— An interactive path leading to the current task thread has been added to projects
— Multiselect function has been added to Inbox to speed up the sorting process; activate multiselect by a long tap on the notification (or go to the Inbox menu)
— A button to switch to the task tree has been added to task cards. When you are redirected to a task from Inbox or push notifications, you can open the task thread where the task is currently located.
You can try the new mobile version here:
Download Сerebro for iOS: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/cerebro/id1328894511
Download Сerebro for Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.cerebrohq
We would be happy to receive your feedback!
This time, we’ve made search more convenient, expanded task filtering, and added two new features each to Mirada and Tentaculo.
Executive producer Black Point Ksenia Akimenko shares how the team structures data using Cerebro.