Happy New Year, everyone! We wish you success and prosperity in 2024 🎄
New Plan
We’ve introduced a new Plan (New) tool for viewing and planning tasks by executors.
We haven’t removed the old Plan tools because not all features are implemented in the new one. They will be added soon, but for now, we’re eagerly awaiting feedback to help us make the tool even more convenient and useful.
You can open the tab from the Main Menu → View → Plan (New).

The structure of the Plan is similar to My Space: you can create different pages and save them for your colleagues.
To build a Plan, select the projects and users for whom you want to display tasks.

In the page settings, you can group tasks by projects or users, or both parameters simultaneously.

The page will display tasks of users in the selected projects for the current time period.
When grouped by users, we can see their overall workload.

At the bottom is the navigation panel where you can choose the time period.
When set to ‘Today,’ the period is always set from the beginning of the current week.
We’ve added a setting for the order of comments when exporting PDFs for video files. You can choose the order by number or by frame.