Enjoy sharing links to tasks in Сerebro!
We now use universal links to tasks and messages for the desktop and web versions.
We use Open Graph format to make links to Cerebro tasks informative and visually appealing in messengers and social networks.

We understand that our clients may work on ‘secret’ (NDA) projects, where even the project name must not be disclosed, so Open Graph is disabled by default. For each project, you can decide yourself if you would like to allow additional information in links or not.
Universal links are supported both in the browser address bar and in the address bar of the program’s desktop version, as well as in the search bar of the web application.
Updates Tentaculo
Support for new software products has been added:
— DaVinci Resolve Studio
— Autodesk Flame/Flare
Support for new versions has been added:
— Nuke 13
— Autodesk Maya 2022
Tentaculo plugin interface now features the option to view the most recent tasks you worked on.