Cerebro Python API for client application

The API extends the functionality of the client application by using additional Python modules.

There are several ways of extending the functionality:

  • event handling;
  • adding menus;
  • logon and logoff handling.

Event handling

The application generates an event when user modifies any data, such as creating a message, a task, changing task properties, etc. The API allows to take control of those events.

Adding menus

The API allows to build custom user menus into the main menu and into the context menus of the application.

Logon and logoff handling

API also handles logging on and off the software, thus making it possible for you to program custom actions on initialising or closing the application.

Any interaction with the application is done through the cerebro package. It gives access to data and control functions, to databases and file storages, and it also allows calling of simple graphical interfaces.