12.1.4. An example of work with PyQt¶
This example shows how to work with the PyQt package, which is used to extend the GUI of the application.
To make an example executable and see how it works you should to do the following.
Rename menu.py.template to menu.py (see chapter Extendable Python module templates)
Uncomment a function call sample in the menu.py file:
import cerebro
import examples
def init_menu():
The module with PyQt samples is located in examples/pyqt.py (See chapter File Structure)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
The sample shows the usage of PyQt5 package (http://www.riverbankcomputing.com/software/pyqt/).
The package is included in Cerebro distribution pack, located in the "py-site-packages" folder.
create_menu() - adding menu items calling Qt windows.
show_dialog() - is called on activation of a custom 'Qt dialog' menu item
show_window() - is called on activation of a custom 'Qt window' menu item
import cerebro
def create_menu():
# Adding menu items calling Qt windows.
# Adding the items to the main menu
main_menu = cerebro.actions.MainMenu() # getting the main menu
my_menu = main_menu.insert_menu(main_menu.size() - 2, 'Python Qt') # inserting the submenu into the penultimate position
my_menu.add_action('examples.pyqt.show_dialog', 'Qt dialog') # adding the menu item
my_menu.add_action('examples.pyqt.show_window', 'Qt window') # adding the menu item
def show_dialog():
# A 'Qt Dialog' main menu item activation.
# Displays a dialog. The main interface is blocked at the moment.
from PyQt5 import QtWidgets, QtCore
class MyDialog(QtWidgets.QDialog): # dialog class
def __init__(self, parent=None):
super(MyDialog, self).__init__(parent)
label = QtWidgets.QLabel('Qt dialog')
mainLayout = QtWidgets.QGridLayout()
mainLayout.addWidget(label, 0, 0)
dialog = MyDialog()
dialog.setFixedSize(300, 200)
dialog.exec_() # main application interface remains blocked until the dialog window is closed
window = None
def show_window():
# A 'Qt Window' main menu item activation.
# The window doesn't cause the main interface to block.
from PyQt5 import QtWidgets, QtCore
global window
if window == None: # if a window object is not created yet, creating it
window = QtWidgets.QLabel()
window.setFixedSize(300, 200)
window.setWindowTitle('Qt window')
window.setText('Displaying the window for the first time')
window.setText('Displaying the window for the next time')