1.2. Module dbtypes

The py_cerebro.dbtypes module contains descriptions of tuples and bit flags, used for work with the database.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.ACTIVITY_DATA_ = ''

Activity tuple fields

py_cerebro.dbtypes.ACTIVITY_DATA_COLOR = 2

Activity color. RGB format is presented as an integer.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.ACTIVITY_DATA_ID = 0

Activity ID.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.ACTIVITY_DATA_NAME = 1

Activity name.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.ATTACHMENT_DATA_ = ''

Attachment tuple fields

py_cerebro.dbtypes.ATTACHMENT_DATA_COMMENT = 9

Comment to the file.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.ATTACHMENT_DATA_CREATED = 4

Time of creation.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.ATTACHMENT_DATA_DEL = 2

If not equal to 0, the attacment is deleted.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.ATTACHMENT_DATA_EVENT_ID = 1

Message ID.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.ATTACHMENT_DATA_FILE_NAME = 8

File name of the attached file.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.ATTACHMENT_DATA_FILE_SIZE = 7

File size, bytes.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.ATTACHMENT_DATA_GROUP_ID = 3

Attachment ID.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.ATTACHMENT_DATA_HASH = 5

File hash sum.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.ATTACHMENT_DATA_ID = 10

ID of the file attached.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.ATTACHMENT_DATA_MTM = 0

Time of data modification.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.ATTACHMENT_DATA_TAG = 6

Type of file attached.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.ATTACHMENT_TAG_ = ''

Attachments tags

py_cerebro.dbtypes.ATTACHMENT_TAG_FILE = 0

Attachment entry type – file.

Attachment entry type – link to file

py_cerebro.dbtypes.ATTACHMENT_TAG_REVIEW = 4

Attachment entry type – review file

py_cerebro.dbtypes.ATTACHMENT_TAG_THUMB1 = 1

Attachment entry type – first frame or still image thumbnail

py_cerebro.dbtypes.ATTACHMENT_TAG_THUMB2 = 2

Attachment entry type – middle frame thumbnail.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.ATTACHMENT_TAG_THUMB3 = 3

Attachment entry type – last frame thumbnail.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.COPY_TASKS_ = ''

Copy tasks

py_cerebro.dbtypes.COPY_TASKS_ASSIGNED_USERS = 4

Copy assigned users

py_cerebro.dbtypes.COPY_TASKS_ATTACHMENTS = 32

Copy attachments

py_cerebro.dbtypes.COPY_TASKS_EVENTS = 8

Copy events (by default only definition)

Copy external links in

Copy external links out

py_cerebro.dbtypes.COPY_TASKS_FULL_EVENT_COPY = 16

Copy all events

Copy internal links

py_cerebro.dbtypes.COPY_TASKS_PERMISSIONS = 512

Copy permissions

py_cerebro.dbtypes.COPY_TASKS_SUBSCRIBE_USERS_FULL = 1024

subscribe users with full protocol (may be slow)

py_cerebro.dbtypes.COPY_TASKS_SUB_TASKS = 1

Copy sub tasks

py_cerebro.dbtypes.COPY_TASKS_TAGS = 2

Copy tags

py_cerebro.dbtypes.MESSAGE_DATA_ = ''

Message tuple fields

py_cerebro.dbtypes.MESSAGE_DATA_APPROVED_TIME = 8

Confirmed signed off time, minutes.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.MESSAGE_DATA_CREATED = 5

Time of message creation.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.MESSAGE_DATA_CREATOR_ID = 13

Message author’s ID.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.MESSAGE_DATA_CREATOR_NAME = 4

Message author’s name.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.MESSAGE_DATA_FLAGS = 9

Message flags.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.MESSAGE_DATA_ID = 1

Message ID.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.MESSAGE_DATA_MODERATOR_ID = 14

Message editor’s ID.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.MESSAGE_DATA_MODERATOR_NAME = 10

Message editor’s name.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.MESSAGE_DATA_MTM = 0

Time of data modification.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.MESSAGE_DATA_PID = 2

Parent message ID.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.MESSAGE_DATA_STATUS_ID = 15

Status ID.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.MESSAGE_DATA_TEXT = 7

Message text in HTML format.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.MESSAGE_DATA_TID = 11

ID of the task, the message belongs to.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.MESSAGE_DATA_TYPE = 3

Message Type.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.MESSAGE_DATA_WORK_TIME = 6

Working time to sign off, minutes.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.MESSAGE_DATA_XMTM = 12

Real time of data modification.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.MESSAGE_FLAG_ = ''

Message flags

py_cerebro.dbtypes.MESSAGE_FLAG_APPROVED = 1

Report is accepted (confirmed).

py_cerebro.dbtypes.MESSAGE_FLAG_CLIENT_VISIBLE = 0

Message is visible for clients.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.MESSAGE_TYPE_ = ''

Message types

py_cerebro.dbtypes.MESSAGE_TYPE_CLIENT_REVIEW = 4

Message type – Client Review.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.MESSAGE_TYPE_DEFINITION = 0

Message type – Definition.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.MESSAGE_TYPE_NOTE = 3

Message type – Note.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.MESSAGE_TYPE_REPORT = 2

Message type – Report.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.MESSAGE_TYPE_RESOURCE_REPORT = 5

Message type – Resource Report.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.MESSAGE_TYPE_REVIEW = 1

Message type – Review.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.MESSAGE_TYPE_STATUS_CHANGES = 6

Message of change of the status of the task.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.STATUS_DATA_ = ''

Status tuple field

py_cerebro.dbtypes.STATUS_DATA_COLOR = 6

Status color. RGB format is presented as an integer.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.STATUS_DATA_DESCRIPTION = 4

Status description.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.STATUS_DATA_FLAGS = 2

Status flags.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.STATUS_DATA_ICON = 5

Status icon. XPM format.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.STATUS_DATA_ICON_HASH = 11

Status icon hash, if exists.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.STATUS_DATA_ID = 0

Status ID.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.STATUS_DATA_MTM = 10

Modify time.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.STATUS_DATA_NAME = 1

Status name.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.STATUS_DATA_ORDER = 3

Status order number.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.STATUS_DATA_PERM_ENTER = 9

Permissions to enter status.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.STATUS_DATA_PERM_LEAVE = 8

Permissions to leave status.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.STATUS_DATA_UNID = 7

Universe ID.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.STATUS_FLAG_ = ''

Status flags

py_cerebro.dbtypes.STATUS_FLAG_INHERITABLE = 1

Status is inherited.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.STATUS_FLAG_WORK_STARTED = 2

Type status, meaning that the task is in progress.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.STATUS_FLAG_WORK_STOPPED = 3

Type status, meaning that the task was stopped. If :py:const:’STATUS_FLAG_WORK_STARTED <py_cerebro.dbtypes.STATUS_FLAG_WORK_STARTED>` and :py:const:’STATUS_FLAG_WORK_STOPPED <py_cerebro.dbtypes.STATUS_FLAG_WORK_STOPPED>` flags are reseted, then the type of status will mean that the task is suspended.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.TAG_DATA_ = ''

Tag tuple field

py_cerebro.dbtypes.TAG_DATA_ID = 1

Tag ID.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.TAG_DATA_MTM = 0

Time of data change.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.TAG_DATA_NAME = 3

Tag name.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.TAG_DATA_PROJECT_ID = 2

Project ID.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.TAG_DATA_TYPE = 4

Tag type.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.TAG_ENUM_DATA_ = ''

Enumeration Tuple Fields of a Tag

py_cerebro.dbtypes.TAG_ENUM_DATA_ID = 1

Tag’s enumeration ID.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.TAG_ENUM_DATA_MTM = 0

Data change time.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.TAG_ENUM_DATA_NAME = 3

Enumeration name.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.TAG_ENUM_DATA_TAG_ID = 2

Tag ID.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.TAG_TYPE_ = ''

Типы теговTag types

py_cerebro.dbtypes.TAG_TYPE_ENUM = 1


py_cerebro.dbtypes.TAG_TYPE_FLOAT = 2

Floating-point number.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.TAG_TYPE_INTEGER = 0


py_cerebro.dbtypes.TAG_TYPE_MULTI_ENUM = 4

Multiple enumeration. A tag of this type may contain several enumerations.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.TAG_TYPE_STRING = 3


py_cerebro.dbtypes.TASK_ALLOCATED_ = ''

Allocated user tuple fields

py_cerebro.dbtypes.TASK_ALLOCATED_FLAGS = 2

User flags.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.TASK_ALLOCATED_ID = 0

User ID.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.TASK_ALLOCATED_NAME = 1

User full name.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.TASK_DATA_ = ''

Task tuple fields

py_cerebro.dbtypes.TASK_DATA_ACTIVITY_ID = 7

Activity ID.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.TASK_DATA_ACTIVITY_NAME = 6

Activity name.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.TASK_DATA_ALLOCATED = 21

Users allocated to the task. Type - string. Separator ‘;’.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.TASK_DATA_BUDGET = 30

Total budget for the task and its subtasks.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.TASK_DATA_CC_STATUS = 37

Calculated (automatic) task status. Calculated status may differ from the user-defined one, as it may be inherited from its parent task. Calculated status is the effective (actual) status of the task.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.TASK_DATA_CC_STATUS_STAT = 38

Status summary on the parent task.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.TASK_DATA_CREATED = 10

Task creation time.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.TASK_DATA_CREATOR_ID = 19

Id of a user who created the task.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.TASK_DATA_DURATION = 23

Calculated duration of the task, days. Type - float.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.TASK_DATA_FLAGS = 17

Task flags.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.TASK_DATA_HUMAN_FINISH = 27

User-defined task finish time, days from 01.01.2000. Type - float.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.TASK_DATA_HUMAN_START = 26

User-defined task start time, days from 01.01.2000. Type - float.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.TASK_DATA_ID = 1

Task ID.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.TASK_DATA_MODERATOR_ID = 18

ID of a user who changed the task.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.TASK_DATA_MODIFIED = 20

Time when the task was modified.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.TASK_DATA_MTM = 0

Time of data change.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.TASK_DATA_NAME = 4

Task name.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.TASK_DATA_OFFSET = 22

Calculated start time of the task, days from 01.01.2000. Type - float.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.TASK_DATA_ORDER = 39

Task order number.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.TASK_DATA_PARENT_ID = 2

Parent task ID.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.TASK_DATA_PARENT_URL = 5

Full path to the parent task. Example: /Test project/Scene 1/

py_cerebro.dbtypes.TASK_DATA_PLANNED = 13

Planned working time for the task, hours. Type - float.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.TASK_DATA_PLANNED_DELTA = 3

Obsolete, not used.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.TASK_DATA_PRIORITY = 11

Task priority.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.TASK_DATA_PRIVILEGE = 25

Current user’s access rights to the task. Type - integer.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.TASK_DATA_PROGRESS = 12

Task progress. Type - float, from 0.0 to 100.0.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.TASK_DATA_PROJECT_ID = 24

ID of the project, the task belongs to.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.TASK_DATA_RESOURCE_APPROVED = 35

Confirmed signed off time of a material resource for the task and its subtasks, hours. Type - float.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.TASK_DATA_RESOURCE_DECLARED = 34

Signed off time of a material resource for the task and its subtasks, hours. Type - float.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.TASK_DATA_RESOURCE_SELF_APPROVED = 33

Confirmed signed off time of a material resource, minutes. Type - float.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.TASK_DATA_RESOURCE_SELF_DECLARED = 32

Signed off time of a material resource, minutes. Type - float.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.TASK_DATA_SELF_BUDGET = 28

Task budget.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.TASK_DATA_SELF_SPENT = 29

Task costs.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.TASK_DATA_SELF_STATUS = 36

User-defined (manually set) task status.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.TASK_DATA_SELF_USERS_APPROVED = 9

Confirmed signed off time, minutes. Type - float.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.TASK_DATA_SELF_USERS_DECLARED = 8

Time, signed off by users, minutes. Type - float.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.TASK_DATA_SPENT = 31

Total costs of the task and its subtasks.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.TASK_DATA_THUMBS = 16

Thumbnail hash sums. Type - string. Separator ‘;’.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.TASK_DATA_USERS_APPROVED = 15

Confirmed signed off time on current task and its subtasks, hours. Type - float.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.TASK_DATA_USERS_DECLARED = 14

Time, signed off by users on current task and its subtasks, hours. Type - float.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.TASK_FLAG_ = ''

Task flags

py_cerebro.dbtypes.TASK_FLAG_ASSIGNED = 38

Current user is allocated to this task.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.TASK_FLAG_ARCHIVED = 2

Task archived.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.TASK_FLAG_CLOSED_EFFECTIVE = 30

Task closed, because its parent task is closed also.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.TASK_FLAG_DELETED = 0

Task deleted.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.TASK_FLAG_FORUM_LOCKED = 5

Task Forum locked.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.TASK_FLAG_HAS_CHILD = 32

Task has subtasks.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.TASK_FLAG_HAS_MESSAGES = 33

There are messages in the task Forum.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.TASK_FLAG_HAS_PLANNED = 56

Task has its own planned time.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.TASK_FLAG_HAS_PROGRESS = 59

Task has its own progress value.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.TASK_FLAG_HAS_SUB_PERMS = 35


py_cerebro.dbtypes.TASK_FLAG_INTEREST = 39

Current user follows this task.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.TASK_FLAG_IS_REFERENCE = 61

Task is a reference to the original task.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.TASK_FLAG_LAST_EV_APPROVED = 45

The last message in the task Forum is accepted (confirmed).

py_cerebro.dbtypes.TASK_FLAG_LAST_EV_CLIENT_VIS = 44

The last message in the task Forum is visible for Clients.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.TASK_FLAG_NEED_ANSWER = 34

Task is reply pending (according to current user’s access rights).

py_cerebro.dbtypes.TASK_FLAG_PERM_INHERIT_BLOCK = 1

Permission inheritance is reset for the task.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.TASK_FLAG_SUSPENED = 4

Task paused.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.TASK_FLAG_SUSPENED_EFFECTIVE = 31

Task paused, because its parent task is closed.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.TASK_FLAG_TASK_AS_EVENT = 3

Task marked as event.

Task interconnection tuple fields

If False, the connection is deleted.

The task is follower.

Connection flags.

Connection ID.

Time of connection change.

The task is predecessor.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.TASK_PRIORITY_ = ''

Priority values

py_cerebro.dbtypes.TASK_PRIORITY_ABOVE_NORMAL = 1

Above normal priority.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.TASK_PRIORITY_BELOW_NORMAL = -1

Below normal priority.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.TASK_PRIORITY_CRITICAL = 3

Critical priority.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.TASK_PRIORITY_HIGHT = 2

High priority.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.TASK_PRIORITY_LOW = -2

Low prority.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.TASK_PRIORITY_NORMAL = 0

Normal priority.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.TASK_TAG_DATA_ = ''

Tuple Fields of Tag Values

py_cerebro.dbtypes.TASK_TAG_DATA_NAME = 3

Tag name.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.TASK_TAG_DATA_TAG_ID = 1

Tag ID.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.TASK_TAG_DATA_TASK_ID = 0

Task ID.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.TASK_TAG_DATA_TYPE = 2

Tag type.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.TASK_TAG_DATA_VALUE = 4

Tag value. Type - string. In case of multiple enumerations, the latter are separated by semicolons.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.TASK_TAG_ENUM_ = ''

Tuple fields of tag enumerations set on task

py_cerebro.dbtypes.TASK_TAG_ENUM_ID = 1

Enumeration ID.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.TASK_TAG_ENUM_MTM = 0

Data change time.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.TASK_TAG_ENUM_NAME = 2

Enumeration name.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.USER_DATA_ = ''

User tuple field

py_cerebro.dbtypes.USER_DATA_EMAIL = 6

User’s e-mail.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.USER_DATA_FIRST_NAME = 4

User’s first name.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.USER_DATA_FLAGS = 2

User flags.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.USER_DATA_FULL_NAME = 1

User full name.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.USER_DATA_ICQ = 8

User’s ICQ/Skype ID.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.USER_DATA_ID = 0

User ID.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.USER_DATA_LAST_NAME = 5

User’s last name.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.USER_DATA_LOGIN = 3

User login.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.USER_DATA_PHONE = 7

User’s phone number.

py_cerebro.dbtypes.USER_FLAG_ = ''

User flags

py_cerebro.dbtypes.USER_FLAG_IS_RESOURCE = 1

Is a material resource.