
Freelance accounts

Freelance accounts are accounts for temporary executants in Cerebro. Payment is charged only for an active day of use. The day is considered active if the user of the freelance account has created or viewed new messages, changed statuses or properties, for the last 24 hours. Number of users is unlimited.

Convenient, profitable and safe

You can use freelance accounts for occasional executants. Payment takes place only after actual use of the account and the user will have access only to the necessary information.


By using Cerebro, you do not need to keep track of several communication channels simultaneously. You do not need to copy messages and files into multiple systems. Supervisors and managers can delegate tasks, hand over source files, as well as receive and comment on the outcome, without concern for the ways to transfer information.

Correspondence about tasks, changing of statuses, comments in Mirada and files will be in Cerebro. Nothing gets lost and the task will be inside your project structure.


Create freelance accounts whenever you want and in any quantity. These accounts will be charged only after usage (postpay).

You are paying only for the active use. A freelancer can access Cerebro for free to view earlier written tasks and comments and to download files.

The number of created messages in one day is not limited. By sharing the complete correspondence about your tasks, the payment is fixed for one active day.


You can set flexible access permissions for users of a freelance account. They will see and have access only to those tasks on which you have appointed them as allocated users. There will be no access for them to the other tasks or data of your projects till you set it up.

The list of other users of your Universe can be invisible on a Freelance account. You can allow visibility for all users or particular groups if desired.




支付 $500,你即可获得 15 份 Cerebro Studio 许可 6 个月。

另外两项要求为公司及其受益人(创始人)必须不能为持有任何活跃的商用 Cerebro 许可的活跃 Cerebro 客户,并且公司必须为第一次参加此活动。



支付 $1500,我们即为你提供最多 100 份一年期许可。 你可以续订相同条款的许可。

如果你需要比所提供的数量更多的许可,请联系我们。 我们会为你定制一套方案。



现场培训和调试、管道整合还有批量折扣(50+ 人)和更多。



给我们发送你的 GitHub 链接或一份你的项目的描述,我们会最多批给你 2 份免费的一年期许可。

要申请这些特别套餐包之一,请照 3 个简单的步骤做:

  1. 给我们发送一份询价到 info@cerebrohq.com 我们会给你发回要求的文件包。
  2. 然后填写这些文件并签字,另外再附上一份法律实体注册的声明复印件(或类似文件)并将其寄回给我们。
  3. 支付款项清单费用并约定对你来说系统安装和员工培训的最佳时间。

要解答你可能会有的任何问题,你可以致电查询: +7 (499) 1103482 和邮件查询: info@cerebrohq.com