Source code for cerebro.core

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
The cerebro.core module provides access to the application data and to the control functions.

.. rubric:: Functions

* :py:func:`activities() <cerebro.core.activities>`
* :py:func:`application_dir() <cerebro.core.application_dir>`
* :py:func:`current_attachment() <cerebro.core.current_attachment>`
* :py:func:`current_message() <cerebro.core.current_message>`
* :py:func:`current_task() <cerebro.core.current_task>`
* :py:func:`has_flag() <cerebro.core.has_flag>`
* :py:func:`has_perm_global() <cerebro.core.has_perm_global>`
* :py:func:`has_perm_message() <cerebro.core.has_perm_message>`
* :py:func:`has_perm_task() <cerebro.core.has_perm_task>`
* :py:func:`is_logon() <cerebro.core.is_logon>`
* :py:func:`message() <cerebro.core.message>`
* :py:func:`notify_user() <cerebro.core.notify_user>`
* :py:func:`print_debug() <cerebro.core.print_debug>`
* :py:func:`print_error() <cerebro.core.print_error>`
* :py:func:`print_info() <cerebro.core.print_info>`
* :py:func:`print_warning() <cerebro.core.print_warning>`
* :py:func:`python_api_dir() <cerebro.core.python_api_dir>`
* :py:func:`refresh_all() <cerebro.core.refresh_all>`
* :py:func:`refresh_tasks() <cerebro.core.refresh_tasks>`
* :py:func:`root_tasks() <cerebro.core.root_tasks>`
* :py:func:`selected_attachments() <cerebro.core.selected_attachments>`
* :py:func:`selected_messages() <cerebro.core.selected_messages>`
* :py:func:`selected_tasks() <cerebro.core.selected_tasks>`
* :py:func:`set_current_task() <cerebro.core.set_current_task>`
* :py:func:`start_timer() <cerebro.core.start_timer>`
* :py:func:`statuses() <cerebro.core.statuses>`
* :py:func:`stop_timer() <cerebro.core.stop_timer>`
* :py:func:`task() <cerebro.core.task>`
* :py:func:`task_children() <cerebro.core.task_children>`
* :py:func:`to_do_task_list() <cerebro.core.to_do_task_list>`
* :py:func:`user_profile() <cerebro.core.user_profile>`
* :py:func:`users() <cerebro.core.users>`
* :py:func:`version_app() <cerebro.core.version_app>`
* :py:func:`version_python_api() <cerebro.core.version_python_api>`

import py_cerebro_core
import cerebro

[docs]def application_dir(): """ :returns: path to the Cerebro application directory. :rtype: string .. warning:: In Mac OS X the application directory is the directory located inside the application package - "" .. seealso:: :py:func:`python_api_dir() <cerebro.core.python_api_dir>`. """ return py_cerebro_core.application_dir()
[docs]def python_api_dir(): """ :returns: path to the directory :ref:`py-frontend <capi-paths>`, which contains the API modules. :rtype: string .. seealso:: :py:func:`application_dir() <cerebro.core.application_dir>`. """ return py_cerebro_core.python_api_dir()
[docs]def start_timer(function, interval): """ Starts the timer which calls the 'function' function once in the interval. :param string function: the function called by the timer. :param int interval: time interval, milliseconds. Format of the function argument:: 'module_name.function_name' If the module is included in a package, the format must be:: 'package_name.module_name.function_name' .. warning:: sys.path must contain the path to the module/package. :: # file # logon module import cerebro import examples # The function handling Cerebro logon def logon(): examples.logon.logon() # calling an example of logon handling :: # examples/ file # examples package # logon module import cerebro def logon(): # Starting the timer to call 'example_timer' function cerebro.core.start_timer('examples.logon.example_timer', 1000) # restarting the timer each second def example_timer(): print('Calling example_timer by timer') Call :py:func:`cerebro.core.stop_timer` to stop the timer. .. warning: after Python library reloading all timers are reset. .. seealso:: :py:func:`stop_timer() <cerebro.core.stop_timer>`. """ py_cerebro_core.start_timer(function, interval)
[docs]def stop_timer(function): """ Stops the timer that calls 'function' function. :param string function: the function that was passed to the :py:func:`cerebro.core.start_timer` on timer start. :: # file # logoff module import cerebro import examples # The function handling Cerebro session logoff def logoff(): examples.logoff.logoff() # calling an example of Cerebro session logoff handling return True :: # examples/ file # examples package # logoff module import cerebro def logoff(): # Stopping the timer calling 'example_timer' function, started on login to Cerebro cerebro.core.stop_timer('examples.logon.example_timer') print('Timer calling example_timer stopped') .. seealso:: :py:func:`start_timer() <cerebro.core.start_timer>`. """ py_cerebro_core.stop_timer(function)
[docs]def notify_user(message, task_id = None, is_show_box = True): """ :param string message: notification message. :param int task_id: task ID. :param bool is_show_box: display message window. Notifies a user. If is_show_box = True, activation of the notification by user calls a window with the notification message. If task ID is set, activation of the notification by user opens the task. :: cerebro.core.notify_user('This task is starting in 5 minutes', """ if task_id == None: py_cerebro_core.notify_user(message, -2, is_show_box) else: py_cerebro_core.notify_user(message, task_id, is_show_box)
[docs]def refresh_tasks(): """ Refreshes task tree in Cerebro. Keep in mind to call this function to refresh the task tree in the interface if you are adding/changing tasks/messages or edidting their properties. The exceptions to this rule are :ref:`event handling functions <capi-event-func>`, which apply the changes and refresh automatically. :: tasks = cerebro.core.selected_tasks() for task in tasks: task.set_progress(100) cerebro.core.refresh_tasks() .. seealso:: :py:func:`refresh_all() <cerebro.core.refresh_all>`. """ py_cerebro_core.refresh_data(1)
[docs]def refresh_all(): """ Refreshes all data in Cerebro. If you're making considerable data changes, don't forget to call this function to refresh all pre-cached data in the interface. .. seealso:: :py:func:`refresh_tasks() <cerebro.core.refresh_tasks>`. """ py_cerebro_core.refresh_data(-1)
[docs]def is_logon(): """ :returns: True, if Cerebro is online. """ return py_cerebro_core.is_logon() != 0
[docs]def user_profile(): """ :returns: user profile. :rtype: tuple. :py:const:`Tuple data <cerebro.aclasses.Users.DATA_>` is described in the :py:class:`cerebro.aclasses.Users` class. :: profile = cerebro.core.user_profile() print('user e-mail:', profile[cerebro.aclasses.Users.DATA_EMAIL]) """ return py_cerebro_core.user_profile()
[docs]def root_tasks(): """ :returns: root tasks list. :rtype: list(:py:class:`cerebro.aclasses.Task`,) .. seealso:: :py:func:`task_children() <cerebro.core.task_children>`. """ tasks = list() ids = py_cerebro_core.task_childen(0, False) if ids != None: for id in ids: tasks.append(task(id)) return tasks
[docs]def task(task_id): """ :param int task_id: task ID. :returns: task by its ID. :rtype: :py:class:`cerebro.aclasses.Task` """ return cerebro.aclasses.Task(task_id)
[docs]def task_children(task_id, with_references = False): """ :param int task_id: task ID. :param bool with_done_task: return with task references included. :returns: a subtask list with task_id. :rtype: list(:py:class:`cerebro.aclasses.Task`,) If with_references = True, the returning list includes task references, otherwise - omits them. If there are no subtasks in the task, None is returned. :: if cerebro.core.has_flag(task.flags(), task.FLAG_HAS_CHILD): # checking for subtasks children = cerebro.core.task_children( .. seealso:: :py:func:`root_tasks() <cerebro.core.root_tasks>`. """ tasks = list() ids = py_cerebro_core.task_childen(task_id, with_references) if ids != None: for id in ids: tasks.append(task(id)) return tasks
[docs]def current_task(): """ :returns: current task in Cerebro GUI. :rtype: :py:class:`cerebro.aclasses.Task` :: def example_task_menu(): print('Call example_task_menu on clicking "My menu item"') # Getting current task task = cerebro.core.current_task() print('Current task:', .. seealso:: :py:func:`selected_tasks() <cerebro.core.selected_tasks>`. """ id = py_cerebro_core.current_task() if id != None: return task(id) return None
[docs]def selected_tasks(): """ :returns: a list of picked (selected) tasks in Cerebro GUI. :rtype: list(:py:class:`cerebro.aclasses.Task`,) :: def example_task_menu(): print('Call example_task_menu on clicking "My menu item"') # Getting selected tasks tasks = cerebro.core.selected_tasks() print('Selected tasks:', len(tasks)) .. seealso:: :py:func:`current_task() <cerebro.core.current_task>`. """ tasks = list() ids = py_cerebro_core.selected_tasks() if ids != None: for id in ids: tasks.append(task(id)) return tasks
[docs]def set_current_task(task_id): """ :param int task_id: task ID. Sets current task by its ID in Cerebro GUI. :: current_task = cerebro.core.current_task() tasks = cerebro.core.task_children( if len(tasks) > 0: cerebro.core.set_current_task(tasks[0].id()) # the first subtask of the task becomes current .. seealso:: :py:func:`current_task() <cerebro.core.current_task>`. """ py_cerebro_core.set_current_task(task_id)
[docs]def to_do_task_list(user_id, with_done_task): """ :param int user_id: user ID. :param bool with_done_task: return with completed tasks included. :returns: a list of tasks the user is allocated to. :rtype: list(:py:class:`cerebro.aclasses.Task`,) If with_done_task = True, the returning list includes completed (with progress = 100%)tasks, otherwise - omits them. :: # Getting all incomplete tasks the current user is allocated to current_user = cerebro.core.user_profile() tasks = cerebro.core.to_do_task_list(current_user[cerebro.aclasses.Users.DATA_ID], False) """ tasks = list() ids = py_cerebro_core.to_do_task_list(user_id, with_done_task) if ids != None: for id in ids: tasks.append(task(id)) return tasks
[docs]def message(message_id): """ :param int message_id: message ID. :returns: message by its ID. :rtype: :py:class:`cerebro.aclasses.Message` """ return cerebro.aclasses.Message(message_id)
[docs]def current_message(): """ :returns: a message on which :ref:`a user's menu item <capi-menu>` is activated. :rtype: :py:class:`cerebro.aclasses.Message` :: def example_message_menu(): print('Calling example_message_menu by click on "My Forum menu item"') # Getting current message message = cerebro.core.current_message() if message: print('Текущее сообщение', message.text_as_plain()) """ id = py_cerebro_core.current_message() if id != None: return message(id) return None
[docs]def selected_messages(): """ :returns: a messages on which :ref:`a user's menu item <capi-menu>` is activated. :rtype: list(:py:class:`cerebro.aclasses.Message`,) :: def example_message_menu(): print('Calling example_message_menu by click on "My Forum menu item"') # Getting selected messages messages = cerebro.core.selected_messages() if messages: for message in messages: print('Current message:', message.text_as_plain()) """ messages = list() ids = py_cerebro_core.selected_messages() if ids != None: for id in ids: messages.append(message(id)) return messages
[docs]def current_attachment(): """ :returns: an attachment on which :ref:`a user's menu item <capi-menu>` is activated. :rtype: :py:class:`cerebro.aclasses.Attachment` :: def example_attachment_menu(): # Downloading attachment attach = cerebro.core.current_attachment() # getting current attachment on which a user's menu was called file_name = cerebro.cargador.file_name_form_hash(attach.file_hash()) # resolving file name by its hash sum if file_name == '' or file_name == None: # if the file is not downloaded, attempting to download it cerebro.cargador.download_file(attach.file_hash()) .. seealso:: :py:func:`selected_attachments() <cerebro.core.selected_attachments>`. """ ids = py_cerebro_core.current_attachment() if ids != None and len(ids) == 2: return cerebro.aclasses.Attachment(ids[0], ids[1]) return None
[docs]def selected_attachments(): """ :returns: a list of attachments in the attachments windows (Search, Forum), which were highlighted (selected) and on which a user's menu item was activated. :rtype: list(:py:class:`cerebro.aclasses.Attachment`,) .. seealso:: :py:func:`current_attachment() <cerebro.core.current_attachment>`. """ attchs = list() ids = py_cerebro_core.selected_attachments() if ids != None: for id in ids: attchs.append(cerebro.aclasses.Attachment(id[0], id[1])) return attchs
[docs]def activities(): """ :returns: activity types. :rtype: :py:class:`cerebro.aclasses.Activities` """ return cerebro.aclasses.Activities()
[docs]def users(): """ :returns: users. :rtype: :py:class:`cerebro.aclasses.Users` """ return cerebro.aclasses.Users()
[docs]def statuses(): """ :returns: statuses. :rtype: :py:class:`cerebro.aclasses.Statuses` """ return cerebro.aclasses.Statuses()
[docs]def has_flag(flags, flag): """ :param int flags: flag values. :param int flag: flag. :returns: presence of 'flag' in the value of 'flags'. :rtype: bool Checks if the 'flag' flag is set up in the 'flags' value being passed. :: res = cerebro.core.has_flag(task.flags(), task.FLAG_HAS_CHILD) print('The 'task' task has subtasks:', res) """ return ((flags & (1 << flag))!=0)
[docs]def version_app(): """ :returns: build version. :rtype: string """ return py_cerebro_core.version_app()
[docs]def version_python_api(): """ :returns: API version. :rtype: string """ return py_cerebro_core.version_api()
[docs]def has_perm_task(task_id, perm_type): """ :param int task_id: task ID. :param int perm_type: :py:const:`type of operation on the task <cerebro.aclasses.Perm.PERM_TASK_>`, that requires permission. :returns: True, if the current user is permitted to make the operation on the task. :rtype: bool The function checks if the user is permitted to make certain operations on the task, e.g., edit tags or derive subtasks from the task. :: task = cerebro.core.current_task() if cerebro.core.has_perm_task(, cerebro.aclasses.Perm.PERM_TASK_BUDGET): task.set_budget(100) """ return py_cerebro_core.has_perm_task(task_id, perm_type) != 0
[docs]def has_perm_message(message_id, perm_type): """ :param int message_id: message ID. :param int perm_type: :py:const:`the type of operation on the message <cerebro.aclasses.Perm.PERM_MESSAGE_>`, that requires permission. :returns: True, if the current user is permitted to make the operation on the message. :rtype: bool The function checks if the user is permitted to make certain operations on the message, e.g., switch message visibility for clients. """ return py_cerebro_core.has_perm_message(message_id, perm_type) != 0
[docs]def has_perm_global(perm_type): """ :param int perm_type: :py:const:`the type of global operation <cerebro.aclasses.Perm.PERM_GLOBAL_>`, that requires permission. :returns: True, if the current user is permitted to make the global operation. :rtype: bool The function checks if the user is permitted to make certain global operations, e.g., create new user accounts. """ return py_cerebro_core.has_perm_global(perm_type) != 0