Cinesoft announces the “Join the Cerebro Fan Club” contest!
Free signup for 6 months for the popular project management complex Cerebro is only two steps away! All you need to do is:
– join the Cerebro fan page on here;
– register in the demo version of Cerebro here;
– fill in contest participant form here and and specify the name of your Cerebro Universe.
Three lucky winners will be chosen randomly on . Participants will be able to check the results on the website!
The contest will be held until March 29th! You still have plenty of time!
Good luck!
Cinesoft is planning on conducting a lot of other contests and promo-actions in the nearest future, so keep up with the news!
Executive producer Black Point Ksenia Akimenko shares how the team structures data using Cerebro.
Supported Shared Task Boards and Telegram Topics, file viewing in Tentaculo.