User Avatars
User avatars can be added to a user profile here:
Main menu -> Cerebro Astro -> Profile…
Universe administrators can attach avatars to material resources on Resources tab in Administrator window.
Main menu -> Tools -> Administrator…
Now every message in a forum can be identified by its creator’s avatar.
You may change Avatar size in Main menu -> Cerebro Astro -> Preferences.
Getting Started Wizard
This wizard helps create and set up a new project structure.
The wizard consists of several steps to create Users, Groups, Projects and set up permissions & access rights
It’s not obligatory to make all those steps, the wizard can either be closed at any moment or skip several steps and switch to, for example, creation of a new project.
The wizard shows automatically at the 1st time Cerebro starts up. After having been closed it can be launched again manually either in the Main menu -> Tools -> Wizards
This time, we’ve made search more convenient, expanded task filtering, and added two new features each to Mirada and Tentaculo.
Executive producer Black Point Ksenia Akimenko shares how the team structures data using Cerebro.