Added Audio Scrubbing to play sound frame by frame.

By enabling this mode, when you move the cursor on the timeline, you can listen to the sound in the selected frame.
Cerebro Desktop
The following has been added:
— The option to create new tasks and insert existing ones in My Space and Search tabs
— Multi-insertion into several selected tasks
— Ability to simultaneously copy multiple links to tasks, messages, and files

My Space
—The option to switch to the current task and save the scrollbar when switching between page tabs has been added
— Unread tasks are now displayed in the additional tracking columns

Tentaculo plugin
Interface scale and HiDPI monitor support
HiDPI monitors now display the Tentaculo interface according to the system scale settings. We have added the option to set the scale you prefer.

Filter by activity type
A filter by activity type has been added to the ToDo and Recent task lists.

Formatted messages
In a task-specific forum, messages are now displayed in a formatted form.
The option to run Tentaculo ‘out of the box’
To make the use of the plugin easier from the start, we have added a default configuration, which works with the standard Cerebro file storage (Cargador). To start using the Cerebro interface built into your corporate software, all you have to do is install Tentaculo for your company.
Advanced configuration filters
We have added the option to set activity type filter to default by using the activity_filter variable. This filter enables you to specify the filtering of tasks by tasks with no activity type; you could use the “No Activity” parameter to do so, for example:
“activity_filter”: [“No Activity”, “animation”, “compose”]
In the status_filter variable, filtering by status, the option to specify the filtering of tasks with no status has been added; “No Status” parameter may be used, for example:
“status_filter”: [“No Status”, “ready to start”, “in progress”]
We have added the option to configure the hiding of tasks, depending on the task path and task name. If there are tasks (or task branches) for which Tentaculo is not currently used, you can hide them for the plugin using tree_hide_list variable.
The optional variable tree_hide_list makes it possible to set a list of tasks hidden from plugin users in the ToDo and Browse tabs. The variable type is a block of strings. Supported expressions are as follows:
{*} – any path element;
{?} – any character except for the path separator (/).
For example:
“tree_hide_list” : [“/Project 1/{*}/Shot{?}{?}/animation”, “/{*}/Task {?}/Work”]
Web version
We have added the option to add your own task properties—tags—which can be displayed and defined in the interface accordingly.
4 types of tags are supported:
— String values
— Enumeration
— Enumeration with the option to select multiple values
— Integers
— Floating point numbers