Mobile app for all Android versions
An updated Cerebro version has been released to Google Play. It now works on all versions of the Android OS.

Desktop version: Updated My Space tool
Active grouping has been added to My Space. In addition to simply separating a group, it is now possible to collapse groups. In each group you can see the total number of tasks, as well as the number of completed/closed ones.

Added integration with Dropbox.
See the documentation for more details.
Browsing history
Added the History tab, which displays the tasks you visited.

Safely opening files for review
For safe version viewing, we added a file menu item called Open to review (safe mode).

When a version is opened in safe mode, the file is copied to the .vreview version. Then you can make any changes without worrying that we will “ruin” the original version. The postfix name and the path for storing such files can be specified in the configuration file.
For more information, see the documentation.
When a file is opened in such a way, the open_… processors are triggered. The same processors are called when a file is taken into work. To distinguish for what purpose the file is being opened, the “review” = True parameter is passed to the arguments, args.
For more information, see the documentation.
Internal configuration variables
For more convenient filling in the configuration file, we added the section
"variables": { }
Inside the section, you can set your own variables that will be used in the configuration file in the file_path section.
For example:
"variables": { "publish_path": /$(url[0])//$(task_parent_name)/$(task_name) } "file_path": [ { "folder_path": "/Project 1", "publish": $("publish_path"), … }, { "folder_path": "/Project 2", "publish": $("publish_path"), … },
See the documentation for more details.