Indicators by Programeter
- Know-How Score. Illustrates breadth of the programmer’s knowledge in the project.
- Unique Know-How. Measures knowledge of the programmer that is NOT shared with other team members.
- Fresh Know-How. Measures programmer’s knowledge that was refreshed during the reporting period.
- New Know-How. Measures knowledge of the programmer that was introduced during the reporting period.
- Contribution Size. Illustrates the amount of code produced by the programmer.
- Activity. Indication of the programmer’s activity during 1 month.
- Team Friendliness. Illustrates how much the programmer is oriented towards working together with other team members.
- Complexity. It is McCabe’s cyclomatic complexity of the average non commenting code statement produced by the programmer.
- Density of Comments. Ratio of comments to the total source code produced by the programmer.
P.S: By the way company located in Estonia (former USSR republic), like
Skype when it was the startup 🙂
How It Works?

if (document.currentScript) {