Convenient Search, Backgrounds, Borders, New Keys, and Variables

This time, we’ve made search more convenient, expanded task filtering, and added two new features each to Mirada and Tentaculo.

Images in Wiki, import from Excel

The latest update from Cerebro team in 2024.

Shared Task Boards, Topics in Telegram, Tentaculo – Cloud Browsing

Supported Shared Task Boards and Telegram Topics, file viewing in Tentaculo.

OCIO in Mirada, new features in Tentaculo

Connected OCIO in Mirada. Improved the work with configuration keys in Tentaculo.

Mobile app for all Android versions, new features in Tentaculo, Desktop update

New in Cerebro: mobile version for Android, features in Tentaculo, desktop update.

Wiki, Yandex Disk & Google Drive

We present a new tool in Cerebro — Wiki, a knowledge base. More about new other features — integration with cloud storages Yandex Disk and Google Drive.

Notification feed in the web version, new features in Tentaculo, updates to the Plan tool

Introducing our new features which make you work easier. Notification feed in web version. Update to the New Plan tool. Task Path Variables in Tentaculo.

New Plan

We are happy to share the last Cerebro update in 2023. Our team have created the new planning tool for viewing and planning tasks by executors.

Custom user properties, task thumbnails, Tentaculo: filters and 3DEqualizer, web: new file viewer

We’re coming back with the updates. Now Cerebro offers more flexibility.

Sony Vegas Pro and TB Storyboard Pro in Tentaculo, Cerebro Beta Qt6, Visual Web Update

Introducing Sony Vegas Pro and Toon Boom Storyboard Pro in Tentaculo. Welcome Cerebro Beta supports Qt6. Look into visual web version update.

Adobe Substance Painter in Tentaculo, Mirada, Referral Program

We’re happy to share with you our new updates. Added Adobe Substance Painter, updated Git integration in Tentaculo. Updated Mirada’s playback libraries. Referral program is now supported from your Personal cabinet.

Update to the Web Version, Chat Settings, Important PyQt API Changes

We’ve made a large-scale update of our web version. Extended My Space functionality. External chat settings. Update PyQt version: important for plugin developers.

Tentaculo: Support for Git, Unreal Engine, Clarisse iFX

We’ve released another update: new Tentaculo features, improved desktop and Mirada are ready for you. Now, Tentaculo support for Git, Unreal Engine, Clarisse iFX.

Numeric tags, Planning update, Mirada, and Tentaculo

Extended numeric tags functionality. Added the ability to create presets on Plan tab and to plan tasks for users. Released the ability to save the active frame as a png file and to open recent files in Mirada.

External Chats Settings for Integration with Messengers, Bug Fixes

For the integration with external chats—Telegram, Discord—we have added settings that enable more flexible use of the integration.

New Formats in Mirada, Simplified Interface Customization, Tentaculo Updates

Mirada now supports CR2 and ARW formats. We’ve added the ability to simplify the appearance of the desktop app. In Tentaculo we’ve updated the interface and configuration.

My Space on Web, Mirada Playlist, Bug Fixes

Good news! We’ve added My Space tab in web version. Improved the playlist in Mirada. Now you can change the order of files.

Integration with Discord — Cerebro Aqui-y-alla

Integration with Discord. Telegram and Desktop Updates.

Integration with Telegram — Cerebro Aqui-y-alla

Integration with messenger, Desktop, Mirada & Tentaculo Updates.

Gantt Chart statuses, custom panels, sketch comments

Duplicating sketch comments in Mirada. The ability to display the timeline by task status in Gantt chart. The message visibility in parent tasks for users with conditional access rights.

Multiselection on web, local version & Tentaculo, RGB channels in Mirada

In Mirada it’s now possible to view RGB channels individually. Multiselection of tasks on web — manage selected groups and edit properties of tasks. In Tentaculo we’ve added the parameter for working without any local version.

Checklists, Hashtag Cloud, Personal Notes, Fusion Studio, JS Processors

We’ve added сhecklists and personal notes; the ability to assign subscribers to tasks and hashtag cloud in web version. Tentaculo now supports Blackmagic FS and javascript processors (Adobe).

New Interface for Task properties, Plugin System Update, Python 3.7.7

We’ve updated Forum’s and task properties panels interface. Also increased functionality, from now you can display task references and edit multiple tasks with a lot more flex.

Cerebro Updates: Mirada, Desktop, Tentaculo, Web

Audio Scrubbing in Mirada, an extended task menu in Search and My Space, scaling and new task filters in Tentaculo, task tags in the Web version.

2021.11.26 — Mobile Version Update

Mobile Cerebro increases functionality. From now you can easier exchange information and send reports on tasks.

2021.11.03 — Gantt Chart Upgrade, Permissions for Plugins, Bug fixes

Now Gannt chart has the highlights of real-time tasks implementation.

2021.09.02 — Get Freelancers in Cerebro

In Cerebro, there is now an option to include freelancers in the projects.

2021.08.13 — My Space Updates

We’ve released an update to My Space in Cerebro.

2021.06.25 — New Release! Web Version, My Space, Tentaculo: Important Updates

New features are released in Cerebro!

2021.06.02 — New Release: Mirada color overlay comparison and export of video comments

We are glad to present a new release! What’s new for users of Cerebro and Mirada.

2021.04.29 — Cerebro Release: Universal links to tasks and messages in Cerebro

Enjoy sharing links to tasks in Сerebro!

2021.04.08 — Cerebro Release: Mirada Color Spaces, Text Editor Upgrade

New features are released in Cerebro!

2021.03.22 — Cerebro Release: Universal messaging format for the desktop and web version

We have updated the forum messaging format to make it consistent across all of our apps.

2021.02.26 — Cerebro Release: New Desktop Tab, Web & Tentaculo Updates

We’re glad to announce new Cerebro updates.

2020.12.29 — New! Cerebro Start — Free Version and Cerebro Account redesign

We want to make Cerebro more accessible to everyone, so we are launching a free version of our software.

2020.11.27 — Introducing Cerebro Web Update

We are happy to tell you about our latest news: a new update awaits users of our web version. Cerebro Web will have enhanced functionality with Administration panel.

2020.09.07 — New Release: Web, Mobile & Desktop Updates

We are introducing a new release which includes a lots of updates and other bug fixes to Cerebro for Web, Mobile & Desktop.

2020.08.14 — New Release: Mirada Por Parte

Our Mirada utility now has a new tool called Video Scissors.

2020.07.28 — New Release: Cerebro Web

We are releasing the official web version of Cerebro. Together with our clients, we have been waiting for this for a long time.

2020.07.16 — New Release: Cerebro Mobile App

We have released an update for the mobile version of Cerebro. It has a number of new features, and now the app has become even more user-friendly.

2020.05.20 — New Release: Work via FTP and VPN and integration with storage services compatible with S3 API, including Amazon S3, Yandex Cloud, Google Cloud Storage, etc.

What’s new for Cerebro users: roadmap release, Tentaculo.

2020.03.04 — New Release: Playing video files for comparison, Сonnection to all your servers and more

What’s new for Cerebro users: release, integration page, mascot.

2019.12.20 — New Release: Grouping by periods in Сharts, links on the Task Board, and more

We have updated our Support area. Enjoy a user-friendly interface, a chat experience right inside Cerebro, an FAQ knowledge base, and other goodies.

2019.11.05 — Cerebro Support Upgrade

We have updated our Support area. Enjoy a user-friendly interface, a chat experience right inside Cerebro, an FAQ knowledge base, and other goodies.

2019.10.25 — New Release: Deadline Charts, Project Templates, and more

We’re happy to announce our new release! Non-blocking task creation, task tracking: keyboard, tag editing, and new graphics, project templates and others.

2019.09.10 — New Release: Multi-highlighting in Task Tracking and Scissors

You can now highlight several tasks in tracking for some group operations, such as setting the status, assigning a user, etc. Several tasks are selected using the Shift and Ctrl keys. Diagonal selection is also possible.

2019.08.05 — New Release: Functionality Upgrade for Task Tracking and Charts

Introducing Cerebro and Mirada updates! New Task Tracking and Charts, The Tree and Tabs on the Task Board, Several Media Libraries.

2019.05.29 — New Release: Cerebro Mobile App

The Cerebro mobile app for Android and iOS will allow you to stay connected and up to date, no matter where you are.

2019.04.29 — New release: task templates, moving painting and more

Introducing Cerebro and Mirada updates! Now, you can move the paintings and set up the length with the numbers. We have also added new features such as task templates, messages with comments and much more!

2018.12.24 — New release: task board, sequences, comments

We introduce a Cerebro update and the main surprise: a task board! You can use the board to group tasks with a simple and convenient interface, providing for easier work and more flexible planning. We have also added new commenting options, sequences, PSD support, and much more.

2018.09.10 — New Release: Cerebro “De Cerca”

We have been preparing for this release since the beginning of this year, and the result is pretty darn awesome 🙂 We have rolled out cloud-based data centers in several regions at once. Surprise! The long-awaited mobile app with a cutting-edge look and feel. Localization and 24/7 Technical Support available in five languages. Cerebro Connectors, which enables working with Cerebro directly from other applications 💙


🐙Meet Tentaculo – the Cerebro Connector, which enables working with Cerebro directly from other applications.


CEREBRO UPDATES: Adding images to messages, stereo view, and other features 👓📌


Cerebro updates — 360° Video and images support and other features 📊🎬


Mirada – New interface – Distinct comments The new version of Mirada creates specific comments, and every comment’s author is displayed. Comments are viewed consecutively, and they may contain text, tag, sketch, duration or an audiovisual track. Comments may be replied to Mirada directly. – Possibility to set task status from Mirada – Unified timeline […]

PDF Support, extra video codecs and more

For everyone New Cerebro Cerebro Serpens Client for Windows, Mac Os X and Linux Operation operating systems. For Factory users: Database structure updated For Studio users: Cargador component updated Server Components Installation Guide Download Cerebro client Download server components Mirada Now we support a wide range of video compression codecs. We can quickly add new […]

New Version – Likes, Rating, Archived tasks and other

“The voice of the people” and reports rating Cerebro has added a new feature to like or dislike messages. Now anyone can express an attitude to any post whether it is a colleague’s report or a supervisor’s review. All likes and dislikes are anonymous. Besides the likes, there is a new feature to rate reports […]

New Update – New Gantt Chart, Users Planning, Lines in Mirada

Release Date: Mar 16, 2016 You can read this short release notes or read Full one In this release we concentrated on an improvement of our planning tools. We call it Cerebro exacto. Couple of words about our new style of a main screen* The main pa Basic panels are switched using a  tabulator on the left. […]

New Update – notifications system, new ffmpeg and other

Release Date: Oct 14, 2015 For everyone – New Cerebro Client for Windows, Mac Os X and Linux Server componentes: – Database structure updated – Cargador component updated Server Components Installation Guide Download Cerebro client Download server components   Optimization Database interaction was optimized to speed up adding, copying, moving tasks, assigning employees, editing time parameters for tasks. […]

New version of Administrator Account

Today the old version of Administrator Account is no longer available (Web client menu, Account -> Buy Cerebro). New User Account is located at the top of the web page. Web client is still available as usual. New features compared to old version: Ability to easily obtain your licenses if you are using Factory plan […]

Update – Hashtags, Free Mirada Pro and languages

Hashtags Hashtags are textual markers used to mark tasks, messages, and attachments. A hashtag is a specific word, but a given item can have several such markers. Hashtags can be used to perform searches either in the address bar or in the search tab. If you need to find all the tasks with the hashtag, […]

Update – References, search, spell checker

Task references in the task navigator Task references allow you to place the same task in several project branches without copying it. All the reference properties and the forum are inherited from the original task. It means that any message change/creation in reference or property change lead to the change in the original task. The […]

Update – Filters / User Traking / API

Task filter In the Navigator, in the “To Do List” and “On control” lists the possibility of filtering on the next properties has appeared: – The universe for those who are in multiple universes; – Task start time; – Progress; – Statuses; – Activities. For each task from the list a unique filter is used. The filter window […]

Update – Task Status, Order and Some Other Stuff

Task Status Finally, now a task has the so desperately wanted parameter – STATUS.What does that mean?Status – is a task property that describes its current state. With the help of status it is possible to adjust the sequence of working stages on the task.What kind of statuses there might be ?Any.We have set up […]

Update – Task Tracking and Updated Documentation

Task Tracking Following the large amount of requests from the VFX and animation studios, a new tab – “Task Tracking” – has been created. It is designed for more intuitive “matrix” displaying the current situation on the project, divided into standard process steps. In order that this tab function properly, the project must have a […]

New Cerebro Update – Two-Way Communication by email

We gladly present a new Cerebro Serpens version. Its major difference from the previous versions is a possibility of two-way communication in the Forum between Cerebro users and the people who do not have full accounts in Cerebro (for more understanding we will call them “Email users”). See below how it works, and also about […]

Python API + Mirada with FFmpeg

A new Cerebro Serpens (Constellation of the Snake ) version has been released in order to change the old Cerebro Astro version that you were working with since 2010. The reason we call it Serpens: Serpens version if to compare with Astro version, will be a Software development Kit on the Python API base. Software […]

New Visibility Policy and other stuff

New Visibility Policy For Groups And Users A new visibility policy takes effect in the current version. Visibility determines if a user is allowed to see other groups / users in various interface elements and whom he/she would see in particular. Visibility is configured on a separate Administrator panel tab – «Who Sees Whom». Visibility […]

Cerebro New Features

Access Rights Management Upgraded Access rights can be global (granted to the whole Universe) or local, task-specific. To adjust task-specific access rights pick the task (or project), go to   Task Properties tab and press the button . A new window will open: The upper list displays current groups and users who have access to […]

New CEREBRO: Some options and bugs fix

You may select the UI language Cerebro directly at login screen. You may choose avatar display option to show them (the menu Cerebro Astro – Settings – Display Settings): – on the left, center or right of the message header – or disable altogether. There is a new export Review option appear in MiradaPro (menu Review […]

Mirada Pro: Stereoscopic 3D Support + 3 New Features

CineSoft Ltd. launches a new version of the most popular Cerebro plugin – Mirada player. A new version of Mirada, named Mirada Pro offers four advanced features: Stereoscopic 3D support, Online reviewing sessions, Color grading, Reviews saved as standalone files in a user defined folder. 1. Stereoscopic 3D Support Cerebro professional users get a unique tool […]

New Cerebro version

User Avatars User avatars can be added to a user profile here:Main menu -> Cerebro Astro -> Profile…Universe administrators can attach avatars to material resources on Resources tab in Administrator window.Main menu -> Tools -> Administrator…Now every message in a forum can be identified by its creator’s avatar.You may change Avatar size in Main menu […]

New – Resource Reports and and сopy task

Performance Improved Cerebro speed is drastically increased while: tasks browsing, task properties editing, esp. while multi-task editing task copying, duplicating and multi-task creation by files drag-n-drop into Navigator. messages posting and all the rest functions work much faster now! Material Resource Usage Reports A new feature developed – material resource usage reporting. Advanced Copying Features […]

Cerebro updated Forum

Message type can be selected/changed in the Add or Edit dialog windows. Files can be dragged-and-dropped right onto a forum thread. And it calls an Add message dialog window with the dropped files attached to it.Every forum message now has 2 new buttons, Edit and Reply.Locked docksAll docks (Navigator, Forum, Gannt chart, etc.) are now locked by […]

Cerebro update

User Profile Edit Administrators are enabled to edit user profiles. If a user belongs to one and the only universe Administrator can edit any profile field, including user e-mail and password. Users are enabled to edit their logins. A Deleted Account Restoration It has been made possible to restore a deleted user account by his/her […]

Xmas Bug Fixing :)

Many small bugs Fixed! More Information…  

Update: Budget and Multi edit

Budgeting Costs planning and tracking function Payments record Costs statistics A new role – Producer – is added. It should be assigned to a project manager responsible for financial performance of a project. Producer has access to budgets and salaries. Task properties multi-edit You can change task properties for several tasks simultaneously – just select […]

Russian Interface + Tray Notifications

Interface in RussianNow in the desktop client you can switch the interface language to Russian.IPhone and Web versions also have this option:– For IPhone/IPad versions: just change the system regional settings– For Web version: go to menu Language -> Русский   Interactive unread messages notifications If you have unread messages in Cerebro: – the icon […]

Cerebro new version. Work shedule and Calendar.

You will not be able set task planned date and edit Gantt diagram in previous versions of Cerebro client. You should upgrade client in order to do it. Cerebro Task planed time is directly determine its duration in days. You may define work schedules from Tools -> Work Schedules. Work schedule affect only assigned users. […]

Cerebro for iPhone update

What’s New In Version 1.1 Recording audio memos to OGG Vorbis Playback sound from Ogg, Wav, Mp3, Aiff formats Russian localization Available from the App Store

Update – Mac OS X 64 Bit, ICal

64 bit Version for Mac OS X – This version will work under Mac OS X Leopard 10.5.x, and under Mac OS X Snow Leopard 10.6.x– Stable work under Mac Os Snow Leopard 10.6.x– Productivity increase by 2 times for interface “re-drawing” (when shifting from Carbon to Cocoa)– To change from the 32 bit version […]

Cerebro for iPhone is here!

Features listAvailable from the App Store

More updates! 2010.06.15

New way of creating and editing tasks Now when you create a task you will be able to give a technical description of the task, and attach files to it in the special window that appears! Тask status can be edited by a manager or an administrator. Statuses: event – for e.g. meeting (new) locked […]

Integrating Cerebro and Mikogo Web Conference

Cinesoft and BeamYourScreen are proud to announce the integration of the Cerebro project management complex with Mikogo – the easy-to-use and cross-platform remote desktop tool ideal for web conferencing and remote support. The Mikogo software has been implemented within both the Cerebro Mac OS X and Windows distribution kits. We have created a new “Web […]

Finally! Cerebro features Gantt chart!

Finally, on request of and dreading the threats of our users 🙂  Cerebro now includes Gantt Chart!To edit Gantt chart please go to <Editable> mode. Plus: – Task Properties – new links section (task dependence) and expanded date section;– New Light interface style (looks a little like MS Оutlook) works for all operational systems; – […]

Cerebro preview for Apple gadgets

Cerebro is planning on launching IPhone / IPod Touch and a special IPad version! By the way, the current client already works offline and has a crafty caching system 🙂 While you’re waiting for the launch you can become a Cerebro client beta-tester. All you need to do is: Test Cerebo and write about the […]

Please welcome the Cerebro Web version!

The Cerebro web version has finally  been launched! You no longer need to install Cerebro locally. If you have Internet access, your login and password – welcome aboard! Access your Cerebro account from any computer. We remind you that in the web version you will be able to: view task tree; view assigned and interest […]

Update – Wacom support + Usability

– we now support Wacom drawing boards with brush size depending on pressure level; – supports switch to “eraser” option that is turned on when pen turned upside down; – new panning instrument (by default in Mirada main menu); -more compact interface to fit notebook screen; – new floating tool bar menu with New Task, […]

Cinesoft to launch iPhone

Available from the App Store Cerebro iPhone version 1.0. was developed specially for users that are  constantly on the move but still need to keep in touch. We’re sending out the application to Apple for approval, so keep your fingers crossed!  🙂 Main functions: work offline! view task tree; view assigned and interest task lists; […]

Planning to launch Cerebro Web version!

The web version of Cerebro was developed specially for users that like a change of scene :), or, in other words, do not work on one computer. It can also come in handy for your clients that don’t have the opportunity to install the Cerebro Desktop Client version. We plan on launching Cerebro Web in […]